IRA GLIDDEN, one of the business factors of Sullivan, doing a mercantile business, was born August 30, 1866, at Lewisville, Indiana, a son of Frederick Eugene and Julia (Martin) Glidden. Both of the parents were natives of Rush county, Indiana; the father was born in 1834 and died in 1900, at Lewisville, Indiana, while the mother was born in 1841 and is now residing at Lewisville. The father was a jeweler, and was engaged in a jewelry business at Greenfield, Indiana, for a number of years. In 1884 he went to Sullivan, where he conducted a jewelry and shoe business until 1888, then returned to Greenfield and retired from active business life.

Being eight years old at the time his parents moved to Greenfield, Ira Glidden was there educated in the public schools. He remained with his father until twenty-one years of age, then engaged in the clothing trade, with W. E. Woods, of Sullivan, Indiana, serving as a clerk for twelve years, and gaining a thorough knowledge of the business. His next experience was as a commercial traveler out of Indianapolis for three and a half years. He was with Henderickson & Lefler, hatters. After quitting the road, he returned to Sullivan, where he was again employed by W. E. Woods for a short time, and in 1904 engaged in business for himself, conducting a tailor shop. The following year he, with John F. Douthitt, bought the clothing business belonging to J. W. Wolfe & Son, and they have conducted the store to the present time in a most satisfactory and profitable manner. Their store is the most thoroughly up-to- date one in Sullivan. He is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the U. C. T. of Indianapolis.

Mr. Glidden was united in marriage, August 29, 1888, to Lola Moore, born in Sullivan in 1862, where she was educated. Her parents were Robert A. and Susan (Robison) Moore, the father living with his daughter, Mrs. Glidden, and the mother being deceased. Mr. Moore is one of the pioneers of the dry goods trade in Sullivan. He retired from a long and prosperous mercantile career, in the latter part of the eighties. Mr. and Mrs. Glidden have two daughters: Nellie and Susan.